Creative Arts Camp 2024 (Inspirational Bits and Cherry Island Swim Photos)
"There is no impact but Love."
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What is a Friend? (Quote by C. Raymond Beran)
A friend? What is a friend? Just one, I repeat, with whom you dare to be yourself."
To Not Love is More of a Risk
Loving is the whole point of life, and to not love is the greatest risk of all.
Stillness is Un-Conflicted (Quote by Erich Schiffmann)
Stillness is not the absence or negation of energy, life, or movement. Stillness is dynamic.
Seven Blunders of the World that Lead to Violence (Mahatma Gandhi quote)
Here's how to avoid problems...
How is Your Heart? (Quote by Omid Safi)
Tell me you remember you are still a human being, not just a human doing.
Struggling: Up to or Out from ? (Deep Think #26)
Basically the choice is struggling to get something or accepting that spiritually you already have everything you need.
Beyond Selfie Culture to Balanced Self-Expression
For a more balanced approach to self-expression, pay attention to the internal more than the external, keep your sense...
Objectively Examine Your Opinions or Beliefs
Are your opinions and beliefs just mindlessly following the crowd?
How to Deal with the Estrangement of an Offspring
Be patient with both them and yourself, taking blame fully out of the equation.