Quote about Transformation by Richard Rohr
"Transformation has little to do with intelligence, willpower, or perfection. It has everything to do with...
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No Victimization in Heaven (Deep Think #7)
Choose your stance carefully, for on the human level, it will be a self-fulling prophesy. Decide to be undefiled...
Exemplary Turtles (New Poem by Polly Castor)
A turtle is always at home, in water or on land, indeed he carries his security and safety and comfort with him everywhere...
Come Out of the Closet
Each of us needs to "come out" of the closet more each day, embracing and accepting more and more...
Prayer Nuggets #5
Here are some nuggets from my private prayers that I’ve been outwardly working on lately:
Worry is Ingratitude in Advance (quote by Ginny Nilsen)
Is there anything we can do to improve perfection? Does worrying help?
Unlabored Motion of Divine Energy (Deep Think #6)
No longer plodding and beleaguered, having this outlook on all your activities makes accomplishment satisfying and meaningful beyond your...
Polly Preaching #1 (Forgiveness)
Forgiveness is the other side of the coin of healing. Because Jesus could forgive sins, he healed. Do it...
Genuine Reconciliation (Desmond Tutu Quote)
Superficial reconciliation can bring only superficial healing.
Do Something You are Bad At
We all include the full range of wonderful qualities and attributes, but we rarely identify with them all. I...
Is That a Dream or a Goal? (quote with Coneflower Photos)
I'd never heard it said that way, but it stuck with me. So much so that I've said it...