What You Do and Think Matters!
Every error we overcome in our own life, supports the eventual overthrowing of error in the entire world.
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“Casting Down Imaginations” (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Get rid of the bad type of imagination, but be sure to cultivate the good kind.
Recent Artist Journal Pages (some with Words, some Spiritual)
Here you can get an inside look at my recent musings.
My Article for Easter in Three Connecticut Newspapers Today
Read here how I would define the meaning of Easter: Jesus came to show us we live forever.
Be Truly Transparent (Quote by Joan Halifax)
How can we give and accept care with strong back, soft front, compassion, moving past fear to a place...
Purpose of Life is to Be Happy (Dalai Lama Quote)
I have found that the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense...
95 Idea Killers
As an idea generator, don't let this kind or response dampen your spirit. Don't let your ideas be...
The Vast Limitlessness of Knowledge (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Stretch yourself. Don't be complacent. Don't be an old dog.
The Only Sin is to Pretend (Quote with Blue Shadow Photos)
A sweet story whose words became a kind of family mantra, accompanied by truly blue shadows photos.