Sickness is Not Necessarily a Crisis of Faith (Deep Think #17)
The world needs us not to be so heavenly minded we are no earthy good.
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Measuring by Degrees (New Poem by Polly Castor)
For doing that well is what determines our level of realized marvelousness...
Our Mother Who Art in Heaven
Let's all snuggle into the embrace and unconditional love of that, which wants the best for us, yearns for...
All You Need are These (Quote by Marcus Aurelius)
Needed in the present moment: certainty of judgement, action for the common good, and an attitude of gratitude.
To the Estranged, the Grieving, the Abused, the Alone, I Hear You
I want to say to those of you out there hurting or isolated at this time: I hear you,...
Stop Resisting Change
Respond and trust, witness every good, be amazed, and let the need to micromanage the human situation go. Relax...
Wisdom From the Crosstown Bus (Quote by Elizabeth Gilbert)
No matte how mundane or tough your situation may seem, I believe you can illuminate your world.
How to Foster Civility
To foster civility, I would simplify it down to being unabashedly authentic, and to amplify every good around you...
The World We Make (Poem by Alfred Grant Walton)
We make the world in which we live By what we gather and what we give...