Bible Lesson Study Journal (Photos of Recent Pages)
Take a peek inside my spiritual study. I encourage you too to use a journal for yours.
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My Forum on Faith Article In Three CT Newspapers Today
This is about equality and the power of a premise.
Cast Your Net on the Right Side (New Conceptualist Painting)
Here the Bible story from the 21st chapter of John is depicted as a reminder to apply this allegory...
Bible Study Journal (Photos of Recent Pages)
Here are the six weeks most recent pages in my brand new Bible Lesson Journal...
Tree of Life (New Large Conceptual Landscape Painting in Oil)
This depicts the Tree of Life mentioned in the Bible.
“Why Would God Do This to Me?” (Polly Preaching #5)
We have dominion and agency. Let's use it to be aligned with an infinite, all good God.
God’s Unconditional Love for Everyone (Laurie Wheeler Quote)
Divine Love is the reason you exist, and since you can't get away from that, embrace it!
My Cup Runneth Over (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
Here is a favorite bit from Psalm 23 depicted abstractly in pastel.
Transfiguration (New Bible Story Painting)
Here is an abstracted depiction of the Transfiguration as related in Matthew chapter 17.