Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
These are the ideas that struck me as needing to be contemplated more.
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The Chosen (Movie Review)
I can’t say enough good things about this crowd-funded video series of Jesus’ life.
Recent Pages in My Bible Lesson Journal
This Bible study packs a huge blessing and my notes are improving with the benefit of my calligraphy pens.
Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal (Summer 2022)
These Bible Lessons are a wildly beneficial baseline of my life.
Spirit Moved upon the Face of the Waters (New Conceptual Painting)
This painting depicts the primordial soup, or what the second verse at the beginning of the Bible poetically calls...
Safety (Psalm 91 poem by Violet Hay)
Those whose thought is lifted ever To the perfect realm of Mind, In that secret place abiding Shall his full protection find,
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
Check out my notes in this post, of the ideas that struck me as most needing to be contemplated...
Mingled Seed (Polly Preaching #9)
"Thou shalt not sew thy field with mingled seed." (Lev 19:19). What does that mean?
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Study Journal
As in studying anything, I particularly recommend putting what you are learning in your own words.