Current Guild Art Show
I was visiting our daughter in Annapolis during the days they were receiving artwork for this show, which is...
High Ridge House Art Show & Auction
Today we attended High Ridge House’s Art Show and Auction. High Ridge House is a Christian Science Care Facility...
AIPAD Photography Show in NYC
No April Fool: the prices on these works ranged from $2,500 to $185,000! There was very little nature...
“Post Odyssey” Show
Here are highlights of the Ridgefield Guild of Artist’s “Post Odyssey” show. I should have had something in...
Degas and the Nude
While my kids were in classes at MIT I saw this show at the Boston Museum of Fine Art. ...
Other Photos from the MOMA
Here are some other photos I took yesterday during my visit to the MOMA, including some of the architecture...
De Kooning Exhibit at the MOMA
Today I had a great time going to the De Kooning exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in...
Current Guild Art Show
Here are some images from the current Ridgefield Guild of Art Juried Show. I have never submitted to this...