New Poem: Being the Mother of Adult Children
I think now what I would want my kids to do in my situation, and then go and try...
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What a Good Decision Feels Like
"When something is right for me, I always have an indescribable sense of peace about it. Knowing that this...
Notes on Art and Spirituality from Camp 2016
Here are my notes from Creative Arts Camp 2016 along with a few miscellaneous photos:
Irritated? Impatient? Anxious? Try Gratitude Instead
If you are feeling irritated, impatient, or anxious, try focusing on something you can be grateful for instead.
It’s Not Too Late to Achieve Your Dream
Never tell yourself you’re too old to make it. Never tell yourself you missed your chance. Never tell yourself...
How to Easily Cut a Butternut Squash
Intimidated by fresh butternut squash? Try my way of cutting it and put all that frustration behind you.
No Difference Between Thought and Reality
It appears that the nervous system can't tell the difference between a well-imagined thought and reality.
Ideas for Self-Care
Most people I know do a better job loving others than themselves. So in thinking about what ways we...
Feed the Right Wolf
The quote below was sent me, and since I think it is very pertinent, I pass it along to...
Ow or Wow?
I encourage you to make ongoing, conscious choices to inhabit the perspective that will joyously propel you in the...
Bible Lesson Notes in my Bullet Journal
I'm enjoying my one page list format from my recent Bible studies lately in my "bullet journal" and thought...