Future Frogs (New Painting in Pastel)
This is a painting of frog eggs from the vantage point of with them in the water, looking up...
Empathy (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
It takes warmth, caring, and awareness to understand and share the feelings of another. This is what empathy is...
Two New Abstract Paintings in Gouache
Both of these are worshipful paintings, contemplative and centered in the ephemeral that is right here before us.
My Painting is in the She is Rising Show at the Carriage Barn
My painting is in this nice show by, for, and about women, fundraising for She is Rising.
The Muralist (Book Review)
Set among historical abstract expressionists before their fame, and examining why it was so hard for Jews to immigrate...
Birdsong at Daybreak (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
Listen to all the various refrains as light makes its way into the world.
An Honorable Mention and Astute Juror Comments
So grateful to be understood so well by someone I don't know.
Breathe In (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
Take a deep breath, and once your lungs are full, before you exhale, that is the moment of this...