House By the Bay (pastel) by Polly Castor
I was interviewed in July for this cameo feature in the Connecticut Pastel Society August 2017 Newsletter.
I had a great time during my interview with Peggy who wrote this piece. We saw eye to eye on many things and in the process she became one of your fellow blog readers. We had a long meandering conversation from which she distilled this small bit. Not an easy task!
It is interesting that she chose her theme of me as a risk taker– not something I always see in myself– but I guess it is true if I step back objectively. I don’t exactly play it safe by painting the “done thing” in muted tones in pastel! Someone else would have written something else about me (more about spirituality, or the thread of creativity that runs through everything I do), but this was Peggy’s take, and I thank her for the conscientious care she took with it. We are fortunate to have her attentiveness at the helm of our CPS newsletter.
You can see the bit in context here (scroll to page 4), or read my screen shot of it below. Also featured with the bit below is the painting of mine above.
This is a really nice group of people, and I am enjoying getting to know all 268 members as their membership chairman, fellow artist, and friend. It was an unexpected honor to be included in the newsletter in this way.
I’m so grateful Connecticut has a pastel group of this caliber, and I am pleased to be on board (pun intended).
Anyway, here is Peggy’s feature of me: