Humility Is (New Poem by Polly Castor)
This poem identifies the power and brilliance of humility and all that it comprises.
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You are Never Weary (Quote by Ezra W. Palmer)
Does not nature, with a thousand voices, declare that God and His creation never weary?
My Solo Show: The Fusion of Art and Spirituality
My show is open! Here is a glimpse of it. Let me know if you need an appointment...
Mere Opinion is Valueless (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Opinion: get rid of it. What a better world it would be without it.
Good Defense (Polly Preaching #4)
All we need to defend ourselves from is suggestions, and through divine Mind we can do it.
20 Ways to Follow Jesus in 2020
Following Jesus' example in these ways could make 2020 your best year yet.
Overcoming the Herod Thought (New Poem by Polly Castor)
The Christ came to overcome the hubris of evil, then and now.
Not Responsible for Creating Good (Keitha Walker Quote)
We don't have to make good real. God already has.
Book of Joy (Book Review)
Here you get to sit in on a conversation of two world spiritual leaders and hear their advice for...
At the Portal of the Afterlife (New Abstract Conceptual Painting)
Sometimes our friends pass on too soon. I painted this to help me realize the bright abstract future they...
Anointed Hands (New Thanksgiving Poem by Polly Castor)
Glorify the sacraments of daily life with thanksgiving!