Sanibel Island Shells
Check out in this post the incredibly beautiful bounty so humbly created by some of God's small and hidden...
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Iguana Photos
In Sanibel, Florida, I took these photos of iguanas in the wild right behind our friend's house...
Just back from Sanibel Island, Florida
We just got back from a wonderful spring break visiting friends (shown below) on Sanibel Island in Florida.
End of February Photos
We've had some balmy weather recently after that cold arctic blast we had a couple weeks ago, so all...
Baby Chicks in Black and White
These chicks were less than a day old when I saw them yesterday– some of them were so new...
Recent Photos of Mine on Instagram
I was convinced start using Instagram, and now I'm confessing to really enjoying it.
Hammonasset Beach Photos in Early February
I loved the blue– almost purple!– in the snow shadows, and the textures of the grass, trees, and shrubs....
My Birthday 2016
I have always loved birthdays... mine or other people's. It is such a wonderful opportunity to love on people,...