Milkweed Reference Photos
Here is some fodder for future artwork of mine. I love the shapes and textures, but the colors will...
Visiting Our Daughter and Lehigh University Campus (Photos)
I finally saw the Lehigh University campus where our daughter is a first year PhD student. It is lovely!
Recent Food Here ( Photos with Recipe Links)
I hope the photos below entice you to try some of these that are classic in my repertoire
Peak Fall Foliage Photos (with Thomas Merton Quote)
I feel so grateful to live and walk amongst all this glory!
Sunday Stroll Along Main Street in Ridgefield, CT (Photos)
It is wonderful to be out in all this splendor. I hope you are making the most of the...
Photos of the Garlic Festival in Bethlehem, CT
These Garlic Festival photos show a few hours well spent, all sorts of tasty morsels, and vignettes of people...
Photos from Early October Hikes in Connecticut
I've been reveling in this over here: the trees. the change of seasons, the smells, the compositions, the textures,...
Farmer’s Market Photos Part 1 Fall 2019
Farmer's markets are this– local, personal, in season, organic, varied, human scale, community building, low carbon, low waste, non-monoculture,...