Christmas 2024 (Photos)

Christmas 2024 (Photos)

Christmas 2024

We had a low key holiday, so much so, that the above candle sufficed as our tree. Christmas Eve dinner we had at my sister-in-law’s (you can see our daughter with their daughter below). Then on Christmas, we opened presents in the late morning with our California daughter on zoom.

The gifts I received were great: a 14″ antique cast-iron  pan from my husband, 6 books from my sisters, chocolate from nephews, a tablecloth from our older daughter, and earrings from our younger daughter. Below you can also see the pen case we gave our younger daughter, and the handmade knitted hat I had commissioned from one of you blog readers for my husband (thank you; it fits him great).

We made Ginger Lemon Scones for breakfast, Tomato Tart for lunch with “Christmas Dino” sugar cut out cookies, and for dinner, a simple, effortless meal of luscious seared scallops, comice pear, fresh green juice from kale still in the garden, and our amazing Corn Chowder, which I made last fall and froze for the occasion.

In the evening we went to church, and you can also see a couple photos of friends from there.

Each year, I feel like I want less and less out of Christmas. Maybe one of my favorite things about the day is almost no one drives by on our busy road all day. The quiet is wonderful. Just sitting around the fire with my husband and daughter is perfect.

We are looking forward to a visit from my sister and her daughter later today…

I hope your holidays were/are just right for you! Sending Love from our home to yours.























I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Eliz 2 months ago

    I had planned a quiet day: church, chinese take-away, watch ‘White Christmas’. Then the reader called needing a substitute. So I got to read her beautiful readings on JOY for our 1pm church service. Everyone there and on the teleconference call shared a testimony or thoughts – it was a lovely service, and a lovely way to spend Christmas.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 2 months ago


  2. Farida Grewal 2 months ago

    Bless you Polly for this sharing! So heartwarming!
    We too decided to have a simple fare, of the favourite food our girls love; Mama’s spare ribs ! So I made the marinade the day before, as we had earlier ordered the ribs, tossed them and some French fries in the oven and tucked in. Were so full, we had to wait to have dessert, a delicious authentic ‘Tarte au Citron’ made by our older daughter. Snacked on delicious lemon glazed cookies (in the shape of gingerbread men), after, made by our younger daughter.
    As we’d had a cheese platter for brunch, the ribs were a very late/early dinner! Christmas (Love) was very present in all the thoughtful gifts and preparations!
    Wishing everyone much love and joy and grace this season and in the New Year.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 2 months ago

      (Minus the meat for me) it sounds terrific! Especially those cookies…😍

  3. Farida Grewal 2 months ago

    Just read Eliz’s sharing… how very lovely! Can’t tell you how much I appreciate the years I had church in the cities and countries I lived in. What a blessing. For many years, I have to join online, which I’m grateful for, too!
    Thanks Eliz for reminding me of the joy of serving in church. 💝

  4. Margaret 2 months ago

    I am so happy to know that the hat for James fits!! Looks like you had a lovely Christmas with family. We did too.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 2 months ago

      Thank you so very much for it Meg!

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