New Year’s Resolution and Goals for 2022

New Year’s Resolution and Goals for 2022

This past year I resolved to Love Life, and I have. I reviewed that experience here.

This coming year, I’m looking for more margin in my life. I still absolutely want all the good, but I enjoy some breathing space as well. The pandemic taught me that I thrive on a little more of that. I’ll need to schedule in gaps of cushion, for loving life can gallop away with me, to where I’m just holding on. I need some float and meander with my adventure and creative discovery, not just hustle and blitz.

By resolving to get more margin, I hope to end my work day sooner (no calls after 9pm?), get a couple hours of quiet time every morning, get 8 hours of sleep each night, and defend my walking and cooking time daily. These are the places that get the squeeze when things are busy, and I do better with them solidly, regularly, reliably in place.

So although hanging back a bit will be my resolution, there are ways I wish to surge forward. Here are my objective goals for the New Year:

  • Market to meet its audience; deliver it to those whom it can bless. Keep adding new work to it as well.
  • Get our kiln and pottery studio up and running, and even buy a wheel.
  • Get the last side of our house painted.
  • Deep clean and declutter my office/studio. Can I please finally get this off my to-do list?
  • Maybe some travel, or maybe defer it
  • Pull a book of my poetry together.
  • Start a podcast in the fall of me reading my poetry and essays.
  • Great healing work in my spiritual practice!

A lot of other stuff goes without saying… like blogging daily for my fourteenth consecutive year. Enjoying my family and nature, as well as time painting, writing, laughing, reading, and singing too!

However, in my new finding-margin-mode, a few of those bulleted goals are free to simply not happen. I am going to prioritize being loose! It will be interesting to see what I add back in to the space I create by making more margin in my life.

Here’s to a great year!

What’s your resolution or goals for the New Year? Tell us in the comments!

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. John gregory 3 years ago


  2. Cheryl 3 years ago

    Love the artwork!


  1. […] My resolution last year was to find more margin in my life. You can read the intention here. […]

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