It’s the Little Things that Create Excellence (Quote by Daniel Chambliss)
Superlative performance is really a confluence of dozens of small skills or activities, each one learned or stumbled upon,...
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What is a Friend? (Quote by C. Raymond Beran)
A friend? What is a friend? Just one, I repeat, with whom you dare to be yourself."
Stillness is Un-Conflicted (Quote by Erich Schiffmann)
Stillness is not the absence or negation of energy, life, or movement. Stillness is dynamic.
How is Your Heart? (Quote by Omid Safi)
Tell me you remember you are still a human being, not just a human doing.
Blessing Those You Don’t Know
It is a wonderful way to engage in your world, feel connected with it and take nothing for granted.
Some bits from Waking Up to What You Do
While I only gave this book only three stars, I wanted to share with you some bits I felt...
See it Through (Poem by Edgar A Guest)
When you’re up against a trouble, meet it squarely, face to face...
Human Will Dethroned (Quote by Paul Stark Seeley)
The human self must be lost in love, the human will dethroned...
“Work, work work, watch, and pray.” (Deep Think #25)
You need all five parts in the right ratio to make your calling and election sure.