Discover the Power Within You (Book Review with Quotes)
I don't agree with everything in this book, but it has a more enlightened view of God than many...
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Listen to Me Be Interviewed on The Everything Enthusiast Podcast
In a world of specialization, where we are constantly told to live small and do only one thing, it...
My Benediction for our 20th Anniversary 9/11 Memorial Service
I am sharing these words at our town's 9/11 memorial service today, representing local clergy.
Rain Followed by an Amazing Rainbow
This awesomely magnificent rainbow was a communication from God, a reassurance and a sacrament, portending only good.
Your Innocence Makes You Free (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Nestle on in, cozy and unconfined, without a burden in sight.
The Worse Thing We Ever Did (Poem by Chelan Harkin)
A good poem about God with rhododendron photos...
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Study Journal
Here are my most recent jottings and notes in my Bible study journal.
Ingratitude of Barren Lives (Polly Preaching #7)
Live! Get moving, be grateful, use your gifts, appreciate all the good around you.
What You Do and Think Matters!
Every error we overcome in our own life, supports the eventual overthrowing of error in the entire world.