A God I Can Believe In
I’m thinking of this because of talking with a teen recently who shuns believing in God. God simply doesn’t...
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Eastern Shoreline of Mt. Desert Island
Today we visited the eastern shoreline of Acadia National Park’s main island at Sand Beach and near Thunder Hole....
Book Review: There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
When I bought this book in 2001, I read the preface describing his “spiritual healing” during medical intervention, and...
Today’s Newspaper Article By Me: Spiritual Cultivation
I am a writer for the Danbury New Times Forum on Faith column. Here is the article that came...
William Blake Quote on Virtue
Virtue comes from spontaneously responding to the Creator and not from obedience to someone else's limited ideas. William...
The Ultimate New Year’s Resolution
Jesus says whoever teaches and obeys the commandments shall be called the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. The...