February Flowers Around Our House
It makes me so happy coming downstairs in the morning to such gracious beauty. I am very grateful...
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A Valentine for You
My heart is FULL of appreciation for you! I hope you have a terrific day! Feel cherished because you are!
Famous Emmet Fox Quotes
"Attention is the key to life. Whatever you really give your attention to, you become. Whatever you really concentrate...
Sun Drenched Evening Along the River
A perfect evening with the father of my children! I am so grateful for our companionability!
Jim Palmer Quote with Boscobel View
These are such simple intentions to carry throughout your day, but their impact is incalculable.
Changing the Notion of Success
It’s time for a different metric of success, beyond money and power—founded on well-being...
Ideas for Self-Care
Most people I know do a better job loving others than themselves. So in thinking about what ways we...
Ow or Wow?
I encourage you to make ongoing, conscious choices to inhabit the perspective that will joyously propel you in the...
Book Review: Happier at Home
Because I liked Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project so well, I nabbed her sequel when it came out in Costco...