Ambition vs. Dominion
Jesus was not ambitious. He was emphatic that he was to be about his “Father’s business.” It was not...
For Success in Life Seek Connection
What looks like less connection can actually mean more, but regardless, connection is what is important.
Nature Brings Solace (Anne Frank Quote)
"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside...
Your Whole Life is a Curriculum of Love (Jack Kornfield Quote)
Love is a sacred wellspring that never runs out.
Tips for Working from Home
I've worked from home for 23 years, so here are some tips for those of you newly thrust into...
Live the Life You Love (quote by John O’Donohue)
Please don't fall out of rhythm with the secret signature and light of your own nature!
The Work of Happiness (Poem by May Sarton)
I thought of happiness how it is woven out of the silence in the empty house each day...
Letter to my Daughter (Nataly Kogan Quote)
Here is a list of 40 pieces of advice that this author shared with her daughter.
Be Spiritually Minded
I encourage you to be spiritually minded! Here is a concise description of how.