Pelican Photos
When in Florida last month, I got quite close to some pelicans. They are fascinating, even prehistoric looking. ...
Ibis Photos
Ibis use their amazing beaks to snatch shellfish out of their shells with great efficiency.
Iguana Photos
In Sanibel, Florida, I took these photos of iguanas in the wild right behind our friend's house...
Baby Chicks in Black and White
These chicks were less than a day old when I saw them yesterday– some of them were so new...
In the Presence of Swans
I had never seen so many swans in one place before, and I wished for my zoom lens, which...
Caribou Photos
We saw caribou on three separate occasions in Jasper, every time quite close up. Their heads seemed strangely out...
A Parrot on Her Shoulder
On the street a woman was walking along with her pet parrot and shared her for a while with...
Elk Photos
We were graced by a heard of elk by the side of the trail. These creatures, not long ago...
Photos from a Rugged Hike to a Waterfall
The weather today was the best we’ve had. Our youngest daughter and I enjoyed this hike to this waterfall...