Meetings to Try to Opt Out of PPACA
In an effort to expand the religious conscience exemption in the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, I met...
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Our Oldest Daughter Becomes a Regional CSO Rep
Since completing her summer internship with the Governor of Maryland, our oldest daughter hasn’t let the grass grow under...
Picking up Our Son from Camp
Today I drove 4.5 hours each way to pick up our son from Crystal Lake camps, where he has...
Short Prayers
The Bible says in Matthew 23:14, “Woe unto you... for making long prayers.” All this suits me since...
Annual Meeting 2012
We attended the Annual Meeting for our worldwide church today and it was wonderful. Held in The Mother...
Kickoff of JSH-Online
For well over a century Christian Science Reading Rooms have had bound volumes available of all past periodicals (Journal,...
NYC Church Alive Summit
Today my husband and I attended the New York City Church Alive Summit. The best part of it...
Marking my Bible Lesson Again
The Christian Science Lesson Sermon that we hear on Sundays in Christian Science churches is available to be read...
New Poem by me: A Pentecostal Vibe
A Pentecostal Vibe We are the body of Christ (and members in particular) with all its necessary parts...
Today’s Newspaper Article by me: (Christian Science and Doctors)
I am a regular contributor to the Danbury News Times Forum on Faith column, which is also picked up...
My Son has an Article in the Sentinel
My son has an article in the Christian Science Sentinel magazine that came today (the February 14, 2011 issue,...
Perseverance Not Human Will
As I’ve said (click here) what you value governs what you are grateful for and therefore what you get...