Sunday School Lesson: The Walls of Jericho Tumble Down
Here are our Sunday School gleanings from the story of the fall of Jericho, where walls fell down through...
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Sunday School Lesson on The Ten Commandments
If everyone in the world could actually congregate around these old but perceptive guidelines, there would literally be peace...
Lessons from Moses
I'll briefly summarize the story of Moses, then I'll highlight some of the lessons my Sunday School class gleaned.
Sunday School Lessons from Joseph
Here were some of the lessons from this story we discussed in Sunday School:
Simplicity by Richard Rohr (book review with quotes)
Both my husband and I enjoyed this book by Richard Rohr, who is a Franciscan Priest much appreciated by...
Fruits of the Spirit
Please join me in actively striving to think out from the singular, enlightened, divine Mind instead of our many,...
Bible Translation Resources
Good Bible translation and reference tools on websites, in apps, and books that I would recommend.
Write Your Own Response to a Psalm
In God’s grace there are no “ifs” or “buts”, no expiration dates, no measured share, no price to pay 24/7,...
Our Politics Need Truth and Love
Given our current political climate of what appears to be separate, multiple truths, I have found it helpful to...
Book Review: The Sermon on the Mount
For a refreshing look at the basic teachings of Christianity, I highly recommend this book.
Bring out the God-colors
Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.