There is More Than Enough Good To Go Around
"There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity. And that lie is, ‘There’s...
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Photos of our Peach Crop
We have a lovely peach crop this year with four trees laden with them. The oldest tree has so...
I Missed You! (The Blog is Back)
What happened is that after 9.5 years of blogging everyday, this site grew too large for our (affordable) server....
Other Photos from Memorial Day Weekend
This post shows a bit of life around here on a holiday weekend. Nothing special in one way, but...
JustServe App
Those seeking volunteers can post their needs and occasions, both ongoing and/or incidental, and those looking for ways to...
Fun in New York City
I spent a lovely couple days last week with blog reader Hallie in New York City. We had...
February Flowers Around Our House
It makes me so happy coming downstairs in the morning to such gracious beauty. I am very grateful...
Women’s March 1/21/17 in (lots of) Photos
I know people all over the world that marched last Saturday for equality, for love, for the earth, for...
Famous Emmet Fox Quotes
"Attention is the key to life. Whatever you really give your attention to, you become. Whatever you really concentrate...
New Year’s Resolution: Use What I Have
This year, I'm making a single widely encompassing New Year's Resolution that has all sorts of possible ramifications. Concisely,...
Quotes about Philanthropy
If you are reading this with internet connectivity on an electronic device, you are in a position to help....