Henrike Gomber (Featured Artist)
I love the exuberance of color and depth of expression in these heads by Henrike Gomber.
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Layers of Memory (New Abstract Conceptualist Painting in Pastel)
Memory is a deep thing with many layers, some more prominent than others, while underpinned by much more.
Two New Abstract Figures (one of them Biblical)
These two figurative paintings are a bit outside of what I usually do, but I've been thinking about them...
It’s Not About the Church Building (New Conceptualist Pastel)
This intense painting expresses how I feel church should be.
Spirituality and Art (Book Review with Photos and Notes)
This is a beautiful, well illustrated, and thoughtful book on a topic of articular interest to me.
Two New Abstract Paintings About Immortality
I just finished two new paintings in my immortality series.
Because God Said So (New Abstract Painting)
Listen to God, try the spirits, and if good, be obedient.