Photos of a Wordless Walk
I was inspired to invite my husband on an unusual walk today, where we both agreed in advance that...
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Today’s Newspaper Article By Me: Preventing Swine Flu
I am a regular writer for the Danbury News Times Forum on Faith Series. Here is today’s column on...
How I Met My Husband
I met my husband 21 years ago today. Long before that, this date was important in my life because...
On Fire About Church
Driving home from church last night, my husband and I expressed gratitude for our individual and mutual commitment to...
My New Poem: Yearning
Yearning I’m too deep for friendship too raw and ready open and creative and capable difficult to understand while...
Home Sweet Home
Last year when I got home from Creative Arts Camp I was frazzled, exhausted and had serious difficulty transitioning...
Day 4: Creative Arts Camp 2009
“Nothing in the world takes the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men...
Day 1: Creative Arts Camp 2009
Long Lake is lovely, and the brisk, misty morning starts early. (See my photos at dawn near the bottom...
Eastern Shoreline of Mt. Desert Island
Today we visited the eastern shoreline of Acadia National Park’s main island at Sand Beach and near Thunder Hole....
Judy’s Twelve Life Lessons for Creativity
I have some awesome friends. One of them is Judy Reilly. She was a fellow church member here for...