Today’s Newspaper Article by me: It is Important to Give Thanks Year Around
I am a columnist for the Danbury News-Times Forum on Faith column. Here is my most recent article: Christian...
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Get a Life
God is your Life. Literally. Life is God. God is Life. God, Life, should be front and center and...
My Ecumenical Friends
I have to say I am blessed with some wonderful ecumenical friends. I’ve had the privilege of representing my...
A Different Version of Psalm 23
This version of Psalm 23 is from Walter Wangerin’s The Book of God: The Bible As a Novel, page...
Objectivity vs. Subjectivity
The Webster definition of “subjective” is personal, emotional, instinctive and intuitive. Its antonym is “objective” which means actual, real,...
Newspaper Article by me: Progressing in Earth’s Preparatory School
I am a columnist for the Danbury News-Times Forum on Faith column. Here is my most recent article: Progressing...
My Forum on Faith Article in Today’s Danbury News-Times: Serving Others Should Be Part of Our Daily Lives
Periodically, I write for the “Forum on Faith” column in the Danbury News-Times. Here is my article that was...
Clarification: I Have a Full-time Job
Most of you know – but apparently some of you don’t – I have a public, full-time job...
Annual Meeting 2010
We had a good time attending the Annual Meeting at our church headquarters in Boston today. The theme was...
Poem: Easter Morning
Easter Morning Hungry bears awakening from hibernation Glorious spring blooms arousing from shriveled dormancy Beautiful butterflies emerging from...
My Good Friday Sermon
I am my church’s delegate to our town’s ecumenical Clergy Association. Among many other things this means I’m one...
A God I Can Believe In
I’m thinking of this because of talking with a teen recently who shuns believing in God. God simply doesn’t...