Photos of Cut Flowers at Holbrook Farm
We regularly stop in at this farm for their eggs, but couldn’t resist photographing their vibrant flowers!
Laura’s Half-Birthday Quarry Party 2012
This scene should look familiar to long-time blog readers. Our youngest daughter started having her birthday party on...
Photos of Young Boys
These faces are fascinating, and I can’t help but thinking that our future will be in the hands...
Photos of Savoy Cabbage
As you’ve been hearing, our CSA is wonderful. This vegetable, received today, is an object of art!
Other Photos from Sidewalk Sale
Yesterday I posted photos of people I was cherishing at our sidewalk sale. Here are the other photographs...
Photos of People at Sidewalk Sale
Today my daughter and I walked around our local sidewalk sale. She poured over beaded creations, getting some expert...
Abundant CSA Produce in July
Our 15 year old daughter works on this CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) at New Pond Farm, and we get...