Recent Hikes with our Daughter (Photos)
I hope you too are getting some rambles out in nature wherever you are!
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Maine Flower Photos (Happy Solstice!)
Enjoy this last glimpse of spring as we surge full steam into summer!
Rainbows Need You (Quote by Robert Lanza)
As real as the rainbow looks, it requires your presence just as much as it requires sun and rain.
Helping Our Daughter Move to Upstate NY
We are all so very delighted by this new opportunity and this improvement in her local environment.
Recent Black and White Photos
Shapes, large and small are important here, whether organic or manmade, but these collections are mostly about the light,...
Grace Notes (#53 with Photos)
I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
Cloudscapes in Black and White (Photos)
It was so interesting watching the clouds move, when at ground level all was still. I hope I captured...
Nostrand Preserve (Hike Photos)
As usual I find myself appreciating an attitude of mindfulness, with attentiveness to nature and abstract composition.