Recent Food Around Here (Photos)
Here are some of the recipes shown in the photos below that are on this blog...
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Recent Black and White Photos
I enjoy being on the hunt for these high contrast images. Here is the latest batch!
Spring Water Reflection Photos 2019 Part 1
There is something riveting to me about taking water reflection photographs. Not only is the concept intriguing metaphysically, the...
Photos of Greenhouse Plants
Here are the non-orchid photos I took while in the green house at the New York Botanical Gardens. Such...
Photos from the New York Botanical Garden Orchid Show
What a delight it was to capture photos of these beautiful orchids to share them with you!
This Too Will Melt (New Poem with Snow Photos)
Taking photos early Monday morning either out windows or from our front porch as I gape in my slippers at the magical snow clad...
Late Afternoon Light in Putnam Park (Photos)
Check out the stunning yellow light and intense shadows in the photos in this post.
Early February Thaw in Putman Park (Photos)
After sub zero temperatures last week that they called "the arctic blast" the past two days have gotten up...
Grace Notes #17 (with Photos)
I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
Photos of a Winter Weekend Walk
Enjoy in this post photo compositions from my hike, taken casually, and without filters, on my iPhone.