Pearl Buck Quote: The Secret of Joy in Work
“The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something...
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Book Review: Imagine- How Creativity Works
After reading this book on the latest science regarding creativity, it is no miracle that I’m creative. I daydream,...
Today I Heard the Dalai Lama Live!
Today my husband and I had the privilege of hearing the Dalai Lama live at our nearby college. Last...
Meetings to Try to Opt Out of PPACA
In an effort to expand the religious conscience exemption in the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, I met...
What Do You Want to Remember?
I’ve been pondering today what I want to remember because of having read this wonderful blog post by Katrina...
How Do You Do All You Do?
A blog reader named Don recently asked me this question with the sub heading of “do you sleep?” And...
We’re Walking on the Water Now?
I found the viral YouTube video below very inspiring, and even though it was merely staged to advertise shoes,...
My Artist’s Statement
For the juried show I’m in currently I had to write an artist statement for them to have on...
Alan Alda Quote
“The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city...
Photos of Libby
I’m proud to know this wonderful woman! It was a delight to have Libby come to do her play...
Writing Prompt: The Petoskey Stone Mouse
For my writing class at Creative Arts Camp we were asked to bring a favorite small object. I...
Loving my Side Porch
I’ve been loving my side porch. It’s nothing fancy; it is small and a bit crowded, with hand-me-down furniture,...