Quote from John Updike about Cold Temperatures
Cold is busy knitting intricate six-sided snowflakes by the billions...
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No Difference Between Thought and Reality
It appears that the nervous system can't tell the difference between a well-imagined thought and reality.
Getting Things Done (Book Review and Summary)
For those who would benefit from a summary of the book, I've included my notes below.
Lecture: Time is NOT a Factor
We videoed the lecture to share it more widely, so please feel free to pass this along!
Giving Space for Grace
Too often we jump in to (supposedly!) help something along when it would be better to allow some room...
Meekness is Power
Someone told me she had trouble with the concept of meekness, since it seemed so weak and doormat-like.
Bits and Clips for December 2015
Here are the best articles, videos, and memes that crossed my path on the internet this month.
Ideas for Self-Care
Most people I know do a better job loving others than themselves. So in thinking about what ways we...
Feed the Right Wolf
The quote below was sent me, and since I think it is very pertinent, I pass it along to...
Good New Cookbooks
For those of you giving gifts to cooks, I thought you might want to know what new cookbooks I...