Christmas Links 2016
Merry Christmas! Here are some recent links revenant to the holiday... Wishing you the hope and joy of...
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Name the Christmas Carol Puzzle
Here is the fun puzzle we had people do at our party, and I thought you might want to...
Jerusalem Exhibit at the MET
The diverse faiths here actually got along much of the time, and their prosperous co-existance spawned one of the...
Quotes about Philanthropy
If you are reading this with internet connectivity on an electronic device, you are in a position to help....
Bits and Clips for November 2016
Meanwhile, it is my earnest hope you remember I love you all and that you find something here that...
Gifts from My Gallery
Since it is Black Friday, I'm going to make a shameless plug for the zillions of lovely gift ideas...
Grace Notes #2
This Thanksgiving, I am furthering my goal of appreciating the abundance of random good.
Thanksgiving Links 2016
Here are live links to past Thanksgiving features on this blog as well as those to Christian Science Thanksgiving...
Rise Up and Build
I am incredulous, disappointed, staggered, shocked, appalled, deeply concerned, and excruciatingly frustrated. My heart cries out for all women...
The 4 C’s of What to Do and Not to Do
This is a concise way to monitor your own conduct that I have found helpful.
Checklist for Writing College Admissions Essays
These straightforward guidelines will produce effective college application essays every time.