What I Carry (Book Review with Quotes)
This fresh, wonderful coming of age story is about a teen about to age out of the foster care...
Use a God Jar with a Lid
Don’t carry all that extra stuff around that you are not doing anything about today.
Biannual Plea for Blog Donations
Thank you again for supporting this site financially, prayerfully, and by sharing it with your family and friends.
Instructions on Not Giving Up (Poem by Ada Limon with Photos)
Spring brings hope, casting aside emptiness in favor of receptivity.
Impersonalize Evil to Be the Healer in the Room
If you refuse to give evil any power, it can have no effect.
What is Good for the World is Good for Us (Wendell Berry Quote)
I do not doubt that it is only on the condition of humility and reverence before the world that...
A Skunk Healing (with a Good Friday Lesson)
Forgiveness and healing as essentially two sides of the same coin, and one makes the other possible.
His Body Bread and His Blood Wine? (Polly Preaching #10)
We can do what Jesus requires of us by degrees, with loads of ongoing divine help.
Can We? (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Can we throw inertia off? Can we figure out what we want? Can we chunk it down and start?...