Best Tacos in California
Connoisseurs of tacos say these are the best tacos in California. Chandos Tacos has a food truck that our...
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Great Weekend in Sacramento
We had a wonderful weekend in Sacramento. We arrived in time for a Friday night dinner reservation, and had...
Liz’s Peach Crumble Recipe and Artwork
She made us the delicious peach crumble you see above, so I begged the recipe to share with you,...
Recipe: Spinach Quiche
This is my husband's classic spinach quiche recipe that he has made ever since I've known him. It has...
Recipe: Our Best Berry Cobbler
What better way to honor our veterans on Memorial Day than with the best berry cobbler? This is really delicious...
Are You Buying Fake Olive Oil or Real?
Suffice it to say it is a very corrupt business. Studies at the University of California state that 73%...
Cookbook Recommendation: Breakfast
This would be a lovely gift for a wedding shower, for Father’s Day for those breakfast-making-dads, or check it...
Recipe: Apple Cauliflower Pistachio Salad with Black Peppercorn/Red Onion Vinaigrette
This is unexpectedly delicious. I crushed our peppercorns in a mortar and pestle, and the lemon on the apples...
Recent Food Around Here
Photos on this post show what we’ve been eating lately. The links below show (in no particular order) the...
Recipe: Quick Broiled Eggplant Parmesan
f you want a simple quick, delicious lunch or side dish with a similar effect (but without bread and...
Recipe: Cheese, Onion and Garlic Strata
This is delicious, and is a great way to use up stale bread as well as miscellaneous cheeses. It...
Recipe: Mushroom Tilapia Casserole with Eggplant Sauce
The flavors here are intense and earthy, and the after-glow is better than the most sought after comfort food....