Two Collages and a Quote
Here are two collages I’ve done recently in my artist’s journal out of recycled bits of last year’s calendar....
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Homeschool Art Fair 2013
Yesterday we held our yearly Classical Kids Art Fair; it was well attended and a rousing success. Here are...
I’m in this Show at the Guild of Artists
The show is titled Resolution, and each work describes that artist’s resolution. My piece is shown at the bottom...
Featured Artist: Paul Trowbridge
I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine that intersects both my Christian Science and art communities....
My New Oil Painting: “Nascent Bud”
This new oil painting of mine is 24” x 36” and is titled “Nascent Bud.” I started this on...
Book Review: The Art of Urban Sketching
This book arose out of a vibrant online community of urban sketchers sharing their locale through the internet; there...
Best of 2012
Wow. I’ve finished four years on this daily blog. That's 1,424 entries! Here are the best posts of 2012...
Pottery I Made and Gave for Christmas Gifts
It took me months to make these 11 pieces of pottery for Christmas presents, a project whose scope I...
Christmas Art with Quote
“Each of us is an Innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus.” Neal A. Maxwell
My New Gouache: A Turkish Sultan’s Portrait
I read a book called "My Name is Red" that I did not like enough to review here, but...
Artwork I’ve Been Enjoying Lately
I subscribe to ArtDaily.com and these are works in the last couple months that I’ve most enjoyed. I think...
Festive Home Show 2012
Our youngest daughter and I are both in this Festive Home Show at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists. Consider...