My Dear Husband Has Framed 77 Paintings for My Show

My Dear Husband Has Framed 77 Paintings for My Show

As a labor of love, my  dear husband has cheerfully framed and hung 77 of my 2020 and 2021 paintings for my show, which opens tomorrow. To appreciate what that entails, you should really watch this short video of him (sped up) framing just one, and then mentally multiply that by 77.

The miracle is not so much that he is so good at it (way better than me!), but that he’s so KIND about it. It makes me feel so blessed. I wanted to blog about this today, not only to thank him, but to raise him up as an example of how to be. This attitude of joyous support and service is so very appreciated.

Blog reader Deborah, who is hosting this show in her Meetinghouse, allowed us to use a (temporarily empty) back room to do the framing in, so this project did not have to take over every surface in our small house. We were very grateful for this, and I am so glad too for the divine inspiration that prompted me so clearly (and out of the blue!) to ask to use that spare room. It was God’s brilliant idea and not mine, but I’m thrilled I listened! It was fine with Deborah for us to use it and huge for us, allowing our home and work life to continue to flow naturally throughout the process.

I also want to give a shout out to blog reader Loree, who kept us fed during this marathon, by dropping off vegetable lasagna and salmon burgers on our doorstep. I am surrounded by lovingkindness. It truly takes a village.

If you can come to the opening reception tomorrow, or get by the show any Sunday afternoon in November, I placed the invite again below.

So thankful!



I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. John gregory 3 years ago

    I would keep him if I were you!❤️

    • Author
      Polly Castor 3 years ago

      That’s the plan. 😀

  2. Loree 3 years ago

    I was so thrilled to be able to help you when time was of the essence. Thanks for the shout out! Keep the paintings coming.

  3. Sue Krevitt 3 years ago

    Re James: A great “demonstration,” Polly!
    You really GET how much Life loves you,
    to have accepted it in the form of that hubby of yours!!!
    He is definitely a Keeper! But, you knew this… ;<))

  4. Alexis J Wittman 3 years ago

    Polly ~ such a fun blessing you are!

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