Some Quotes by Famous Artists
Here are some quotes by famous artists that are new to me. These quotes came from all sorts of...
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I’m also in the Easton Library Art Show
Last night I went to the reception for the Easton Library Art Show. It was a nice soiree with...
I’m in the SCAN Art Show Starting today
I’ve been to the annual SCAN art show titled Color in January for years, but this is the first...
Twelfth Page Done in My New Box-A-Day Art Journal
This page represents January 10, 2010 to January 21, 2010
My New Painting: Contemplating the Concept of Cleaving
This is my most recent painting titled Cleaving. In contemplating the concept of cleaving, is it to sever or...
The 12 Design Motifs
In the book I reviewed yesterday I studied the twelve “design motifs.” I enjoyed doing one each day in...
Book Review: Watercolor By Design
I really liked this book and have gotten good ideas from it. I give it five stars as it...
Eleventh Page Done in My New Box-A-Day Art Journal
This page represents December 29, 2009 to January 9, 2010 See a close-up below and the whole page spread....
My New Painting: Amen-Ra
I painted this late into the night last night (this morning.) It is Amen-Ra, the Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt...
My New Painting: A Tree Motif
I painted this yesterday and am quite pleased with it. I hope you like it too!
Recent Gallery Art By Others
Here is some gallery art by others that I’ve enjoyed recently. Interestingly, by far the most expensive piece here...
Today’s Painting
Above and below is the painting I did today. I was starved for paint, doing nothing creative except but...