Spring at New Pond Farm (pastel) by Polly Castor
I’m in an art show soon at New Pond Farm, so I walked the property to choose what to paint, assuming I’d paint a more representational impression of the beauty to be found there. What happened instead was this impassioned portrayal, bursting with the glories of a fresh new season, complete with new shoots and leaves, blooming trees, and ripples on the reflecting pond. Somewhere in there, a tadpole is growing. To me, this representation feels more true than a representational one would. Probably not what they were expecting, nevertheless, this was painted outside with all sorts of love for all that this place represents.
Called Spring at New Pond Farm, this painting is 22″x30″ and done in pastel. See the entire work above and details of it below.
Buy the original painting here.
Obtain prints and merchandise of it here.
What do you think? Can you feel what it feels like to be there? How would you describe it based on this image?
‘Spring has sprung’ in all it’s glory!! 🌿🌱🍃
This is lovely. I love this one. I feel a sense of motion, perhaps a breeze fluttering leaves and flowers. The splashes of red make me think of heat a little. A summers day during a drought with a welcoming pool of water, a rarity in a drought, and a light breeze carrying an oven like breath that offers no relief from the drought, but beauty can be found.
Beautiful. Thanks!
[…] week I posted my most recent painting Spring at New Pond Farm, which was painted of a back lit spot near the above photo. These are the rest of my photos from […]
[…] husband and kids asked me why I didn’t paint something more abstract than these, like I did here in my recent New Pond Farm painting. The answer is that abstraction takes more time and thought, more privacy and contemplation. These […]