Don’t Absorb, Deflect
It is not our job
to absorb world thought.
I work with
many perceptive,
empathetic people,
which seem to forget this.
Don’t internalize,
or even try to process
the world’s pain
and disfunction.
Consider the paper towel
that soaks up a mess.
The mess still exists
but then is simply
transferred to the trash
and ultimately, the dump.
Don’t be the paper towel
acting like you are helping,
while trashing yourself
in the process.
Think more like a bouncer,
exclusively entertaining good.
Don’t let anything in
that is not good.
Respectfully decline
to give it admission.
If by mistake some slick,
slippery error slinks past you,
grab it assertively
by the collar,
rout it out,
and expel it
from the premises.
Or think like a goalie,
repelling any score
by anything unlike good.
No way is that offensive
coming in on your watch.
Deflect every shot.
Do not let error
gain any advantage.
Be vigilant, because
you are on Truth’s team,
which wins every time.
Sympathizing with
or marveling at error
is an act of agreement
and attention, which
gives error
the only power
it can hope to have.
It has none without
your permission
and license,
which is exacted
all at your own
sorry expense.
Refuse to do that.
Know that things
come up to be healed,
which happens only
by alertly refusing,
not taking in,
their claim.
by Polly Castor
Thank you so much, Polly – definitely a ‘Keeper’ – with love G
You continue to surprise me-sports metaphors? I never would have guessed! Amazing woman you are!