I’m an Optimist (Nelson Mandela Quote)
Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward.
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Humility is Love (Brian Doyle Quote)
All you can do is face the world with quiet grace and hope you make a sliver of difference.
Trying to Understand (New Collage)
To communicate here the struggle to understand, I intentionally broke compositional "rules" to lend a more chaotic feel.
The Earth is a Very Small Stage (Carl Sagan Quote)
There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny...
Charlotte Kaplan (Featured Artist)
I love the collages made by Charlotte Kaplan, and wish she was better known.
Post Election Bits and Clips 2024
It's time to stop being bewildered, and start rolling up our sleeves. It's not over until Love wins.
Wonder What Will Happen (New Abstract Painting)
This is the first painting I've sone in my new extra large artist journal that I purchased in England.