Quotidian Illumination (Quote by Holly Bridges Elliot)

Quotidian Illumination (Quote by Holly Bridges Elliot)
Quotidian Illumination quote by Holly Bridges Elliot Kitchen Utensils (pastel) by Polly Castor

“I remember this illumination happening to me one noontime as I stood in the kitchen and watched my children eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We were having a most unremarkable time on a nondescript day, in the midst of the most quotidian of routines. I hadn’t censed the table, sprinkled the place mats with holy water, or uttered a sanctifying prayer over the Wonder bread. I wasn’t feeling particularly “spiritual.”

But, heeding I don’t know what prompting, I stopped abruptly in mid-bustle, or mid-woolgathering, and looked around me as if I were opening my eyes for the first time that day.The entire room became luminous and so alive with movement that everything seemed suspended – yet pulsating – for an instant, like light waves. Intense joy swelled up inside me, and my immediate response was gratitude – gratitude for everything, every tiny thing in that space. The shelter of the room became a warm embrace; water flowing from the tap seemed a tremendous miracle; as my children became, for a moment, not my property or my charges or my tasks, but eternal beings of infinite singularity and complexity whom I would one day, in an age to come, apprehend in their splendid fullness.”

by Holly Bridges Elliot

Preparation (pastel) by Polly Castor
I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Joyce Ades 2 years ago

    Everything around us is art if we look deep enough. Beautiful work Polly, you have captured the essence of kitchen utensils in various shapes in bright colors standing in even mor colorful containers placed in foreshortened space with the yellow aggressively in front drawing us in.
    Love it!

    • Author
      Polly Castor 1 year ago

      So glad you like it!

  2. Susana Brown 2 years ago

    This is a lovely piece of writing and beautifully illustrated.

  3. Susan 2 years ago

    Simply spectacular and relatable❣️

    Thank you

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