Artist-in-Residency (Day 1 Creative Arts Camp 2022)

Artist-in-Residency (Day 1 Creative Arts Camp 2022)

Artist-in-Residency (Day 1 Creative Arts Camp 2022)

These are my photos from my first day of my artist-in-residency at Creative Arts Camp on a gorgeous peninsula on Long Lake in Maine.

In the second photo below you can see me set up to begin to paint, loving painting outside with a lakeside view, but with a roof to keep the pine needles (and potential rain) off my paintings. I made a good start on three large (30″x40″) mixed media pieces. In addition to those, I plan to do two large pastel works, probably of the landscape. Today I plan to paint in pastel, and the camp videographer is going to take a time lapse video of me painting a painting from start to finish. Eek! Now I just have to figure out what to paint!

In the rest of these photos you can see the lovely place that I am. It is great too, too be with these wonderful people again and hear the call of the loons.















































I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Joyce 3 years ago

    You’re so lucky to be in such magnificent and inspirational surroundings! Makes one feel like becoming a painter!

  2. Meg+Hanson 3 years ago

    That looks wonderful!!

    • Author
      Polly Castor 3 years ago

      You should come sometime!

  3. Liz 3 years ago

    Wonderful, Polly! Inspiration everywhere!! ❤️

  4. Dilys 3 years ago

    Gorgeous scenery! You are in your element – enjoy! I know you will x

  5. John+gregory 3 years ago


  6. Sue Krevitt 3 years ago

    Luck? I think all good is actually At Hand, for all of us, all the time! Yes, I well know it does not
    seem like it. (Understatement) But to ponder this fact is a most wonderful activity, and, after all, the Greatest Man that Walked This Globe taught this fact over and over and over! Glad some have caught his …. drift, and are….joyfully …. painting it!!!!! Happy for you, Polly, et al.

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