Grace Notes #28 (with Photos)

Grace Notes #28 (with Photos)

Grace Notes #28

This is a periodic blog feature I call “grace notes.” It occasionally captures my jottings of incidental gratitude. My hope is that this practice will make me (and you?) more aware of the constant flow of amazing good we are perpetually steeped in, which we are surrounded by all the time. It is here only asking to be noticed and amplified.

So now I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good. I’ve even taken photographs of some of them with my iPhone, which you can see in this post.

So let’s start this gratitude list with:

  • I’m grateful for having power and internet back (see here) and the blog restored (see here). I’m grateful every time computers and lights and refrigerators and freezers work.
  • I’m grateful our youngest daughter was able to work from here for seven weeks this summer, which was a total delight. (That photo of math on a white board below, is what her work looks like, if you are curious.) I’m grateful for playing Bananagrams with her and for our new “no two letter words” rule, which makes it way more fun. See many of our favorite ones below (Pugilist? Exonerating? Isopropyl? Rhododendron? Wyvren? Exculpate? Quaff? Meerkat? Loupe? Mammalian? Vexation? Mallards? Bedazzle? Python? Pinions? Gloaming? Kiva? Superfluous? Craven? Bovine? Snood? etc). Looks like I’m going to have to watch her more closely at Thanksgiving or Christmas, because now I notice her misspelling veterinarian, spruce, electrolyte, and querulous (which I didn’t notice until posting these photos). Ah well. The creativity was certainly there, as well as the fun.
  • I’m grateful all three of our kids are well employed during this bizarre year. We’re not taking anything for granted!
  • I’m grateful I see abstractly and metaphysically. Above is a reflection I saw of our house as seen in our side porch window. First photo below is a hub cap reflection in a parking lot. These types of sightings jazz me.
  • I’m grateful for our first meal out since March, and also grateful it makes me appreciate my own cooking more. My cooking seems straight forward to me, but after not going out for so long, I realize better how rare super fresh, creative food is. So I’m grateful for my food too!
  • I’m grateful for three virtual weddings, only one of which is depicted below.  Weddings during a pandemic are not for the faint of heart. Congratulations to all the newlyweds for bravely navigating this peculiar time.
  • I’m grateful the temperature has cooled off some.
  • I’m grateful for our quarry swimming hole (see photo below, as well as the sand mansions). Even though we are not going in swimming this year, it is still a great spot for conversations or reading a book. I’m particularly grateful for time spent there this summer with out youngest daughter, and for feeling so deeply heard by her.
  • I’m grateful for the Christian Science periodicals. I’ve been reading my way through stacks of old ones before recycling them and it is truly a treasure trove of blessings.
  • I’m grateful our older daughter has finally gotten to see her boyfriend after long months quarantined in separate cities. (See last photo below.) I’m glad these two that work most of the time have gotten out for some summer hikes.
  • I’m grateful for all my husband’s effort in keeping our yard planted, weeded, mown and trimmed (see here). I’m also grateful for all the produce that comes from it (see here).
  • Speaking of food, I’m grateful for the farmer’s market and Costco for sourcing the rest of our groceries. I’m grateful for all the labor behind this supply chain, both local and otherwise.
  • I’m grateful to have used much less gas and spent much less money due to not going anywhere this year.
  • I’m grateful for books and for my book groups. What wonderful people to discuss things with, and the reading material keeps my thought fresh and unflagging.
  • I’m grateful for our local Huntington State Park where I hike most days that the weather cooperates. I’m grateful for earbuds too, and a job that allows me to work even while I walk.
  • I’m grateful for my easel that is set up out on the side driveway. This is the time of year for oil painting outside and even though it is a rudimentary set up, I think it is fabulous and I enjoy it mightily.
  • I’m grateful for almond crackers, filtered water, audio books, micron pens, social media, new sheets, hydrangea bouquets, air conditioning, and playing cribbage with my husband.
  • I’m grateful that someone we don’t know from California sent us 5.5 pounds (more than a half gallon!) of homegrown honey, because he was grateful for my husband’s podcast (find it here). (See that generous gift of honey below.)
  • I’m grateful for friends, family, and blog readers, even those I only know virtually. My heart overflows with love to all of you and yours! Some of you may be surprised to find your photographs included below.
  • I’m grateful for each and every one of you blog readers; you get a special virtual hug for reading this far!

Add what you are grateful for in the comments below!



I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. LOREE A. OGAN 5 years ago

    I’m grateful for the luscious garlic and wonderful Birthday dinner- only one head of garlic left!

  2. Mary Beth Williams 5 years ago

    Aww! Polly bless your precious heart! ❤️🌹❤️🙏🏻😘 I just saw you posted this picture of my daughter (Gretchen/Gigi) – and myself! You are so incredibly sweet, gracious, kind, thoughtful, creative, generous, joyful, witty, courageous, tender, persistent, compassionate, brilliant, articulate, ad infinitum! 🌺🌸💖💐💝

    Your posts are treasure troves of your beautiful and giving heart. Such a complete radiance of Soul you are demonstrating. I find it very inspiring! My mother, Anna Marie Trueman adores your blog and speaks to me often about what recent nugget you shared which she thought was wonderful!

    Grace is a beautiful quality and you exude it in spades – thanks so much honey for all you do and are! You are a treasure honey! 💝🌸💐🌺

    Love always and deep gratitude for you!

    Mary Beth Williams 🥰🌸🌺💐

  3. Julie Yates 5 years ago

    Awwwww Polly! I’m grateful you included the photo of Piper and me – I’m grateful for her pure joy and I’m so grateful you continue to share wonderful tidbits of inspiring art, writings and food (🥴) ! ♥️

    • Author
      Polly Castor 5 years ago


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