Beyond the Call of Duty (acrylic) by Polly Castor
I have been working on some more minimalistic abstracts lately, and here are two.
Sometimes we need to reach over and beyond. I like how this visual dense focal area commands the picture plane, while supported by an active neutral space that is both receding and foundational. The painting depicts responding to the call of reaching out with confidence and aplomb. It is titled Beyond the Call of Duty, and is 9″x12,” done in acrylic. Buy the original here, or get this image on prints or merchandise here.
Resting in the Sand is 9″x12″ and is done in acrylic. Overall this very quiet piece somehow exudes a grounded stability, even though the elements are floating. This minimalistic painting is as restful as a day at the beach. Buy the the original painting here, or get this image on prints or merchandise here.
This is a bit of a different direction for me. What do you think?

Resting in the Sand (acrylic) by Polly Castor