We Have the Mind of Christ (Polly Preaching #3)

We Have the Mind of Christ (Polly Preaching #3)

We have the Mind of Christ by Polly Castor

“What does it even mean to be prepared to ‘receive Christ?’ Christ is the perfect reflection of God, the complete effect of the one Cause, which we all intrinsically include. Yes, the Christ is the Messiah, and we are not. The Christ is seeing God ‘face to face,’ when we see only in part. However, the qualities and attributes of the Christ, also delineate our ultimate, inherent nature.

There is nothing in us that can effectively block that. We are defined by it. We can make as if to deny it, but we already have it. We can pretend to not tune in, but it is already broadcasting in a way that we can hear. Why resist the flood of Truth that is the Christ?  Is there anything truly in us that can possibly do that?

Ignorance (and a state of ignoring) cannot be a permanent state in the face of expressing even our paltry portion of the divine all-power. Who says we have a mind of our own? If we are God’s ‘image and likeness,’ which is best expressed by the Christ reflecting completely the one and only divine Mind, then we too only have the Mind of Christ. We are never without it, wasting it, nor waiting for it to arrive.”

by Polly Castor

Uprising Color Poem by Polly Castor

Uprising Color Poem by Polly Castor

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Patrick M Collins 6 years ago

    Lovely and so true!! We so often forget the Truth about our being. We are tempted away by false images of self, by imagined beauty of material wealth and “things”. True beauty and happiness are only found in things spiritual, things that do not decay, wear our, or die… qualities of … love… kindness… tenderness… the beauty of Soul.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Shelley L Sechrist 6 years ago

    I was wondering if somewhere in your blog you have the story of how you went from atheism to Christian Science?

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