Esprit (acrylic) by Polly Castor
Here are two abstract expressionistic paintings that I did just prior to my big October solo show. I don’t usually do expressionistic work, preferring deep contemplation and exploring metaphysical representation. I like abstract work that has more content and meaning than most expressionistic work has.
But my show was highlighting the whole range of abstraction, and I needed some expressionistic examples, especially since this is the branch of abstraction most people understand. I do think you can get from these my general mental state, and see how I was feeling, so expressionism is not without a subtle content of its own.
The one above is rather large (15″x30″) and is done in acrylic. I threw and spattered paint, and my dining room chairs and floor are still suffering the after effects of this fling. Unfortunately, I was too absorbed in what I was doing to clean up mishaps on my wood floor and furniture so now, several weeks later, I’ve got a difficult clean up project on my hands. This expression was all about energy and movement and spontaneity, which are all qualities of Spirit, so I titled it Esprit. You can get prints of this painting or merchandise with it on it here in my gallery.
For the one below, it was Friday evening, and I put on some loud music and just let it rip. I enjoyed the immediacy of my strokes. I didn’t fuss or do any editing, trusting my first marks. It is 16″x20″ and done in pastel. Because it expresses that release from the weekday strictures and that exuberance in the transition to the weekend, which summed up the moment, I called it Thank God it’s Friday. You can get prints of this painting or merchandise with it on it here in my gallery.
Originals of both are still available, so let me know if you are interested.

Thank God it’s Friday (pastel) by Polly Castor