My Dear Husband Has Framed 77 Paintings for My Show
My husband is a great example of love in action.
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Grace (Poem by Alfred K. LaMotte)
What is Grace but falling into the infinite, returning through this breath to the unspeakable radiance of the heart...
Decide that You Deserve True Friendship (Quote by Anthony Hopkins)
Stop showing up for people who have no interest in your presence.
Frederick Douglas: Prophet of Freedom (Book Review)
This beautifully written, Pulitzer prize winning, detailed, and very long biography is a tour de force.
How to “Grey Rock” a Narcissist
The term grey rocking may stem from the durability, dispassionateness, and longevity of a simple grey rock, but I...
Old Growth (New Landscape/Conceptual Painting in Pastel)
These redwoods were painted as a metaphor to keep in mind.
“Love Not the World?!” (Polly Preaching #6)
Here I repudiate the passage where the Bible tells us not to love the world.
Circulation of Ideas (New Poem by Polly Castor)
...in an endlessly shiny ring of supply meeting demand and demand meeting supply.
What You Do and Think Matters!
Every error we overcome in our own life, supports the eventual overthrowing of error in the entire world.