God’s Unconditional Love for Everyone (Laurie Wheeler Quote)
Divine Love is the reason you exist, and since you can't get away from that, embrace it!
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Animal Magnetism (New Metaphysical Poem by Polly Castor)
Anything that is not joy is animal magnetism.
Racism and the Color of God’s Skin (Diary Reveal #2)
Here are some of my thoughts about racism and spiritual truth, during the current national upheavals.
Ambition vs. Dominion
Jesus was not ambitious. He was emphatic that he was to be about his “Father’s business.” It was not...
Nature Brings Solace (Anne Frank Quote)
"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside...
Spiritual Thoughts About Money and Supply (Deep Think #10)
Let's look at the divine source of supply ever acting during this unusual time.
Creativity and Spirituality are Interconnected (Quote by Julia Cameron)
God is the Great Artist. We are creations and we are intended, in turn, to be creative ourselves.
Your Whole Life is a Curriculum of Love (Jack Kornfield Quote)
Love is a sacred wellspring that never runs out.
You are Never Weary (Quote by Ezra W. Palmer)
Does not nature, with a thousand voices, declare that God and His creation never weary?
Good Defense (Polly Preaching #4)
All we need to defend ourselves from is suggestions, and through divine Mind we can do it.
Not Responsible for Creating Good (Keitha Walker Quote)
We don't have to make good real. God already has.
God’s Approval (New Poem by Polly Castor)
We need to take in infinite love with grace; receive it openly and gratefully, letting its benediction settle on us like like warming rays...