Courage (Quote by Edward Everett Norwood)
It is foolish and sinful to doubt the goodness and power of God.All of good is everywhere, never divided...
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Be Blameless (Deep Think #28)
Blameless means to be innocent, without fault. How many of us feel that way?
Recent Pages in My Bible Lesson Journal
I find the process of journaling while I study really helpful for making it my own. Plus it makes...
For an Audience of One and Desire for Validation
focus on what is intrinsically yours to do without fretting about how others will respond to your authenticity, and...
The Living Sacred Whole (Quote by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee)
Remember what every animal, every insect, every plant knows...
Every Healing a Resurrection (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Jesus practiced on others what he knew he needed to do for himself.
“Work, work work, watch, and pray.” (Deep Think #25)
You need all five parts in the right ratio to make your calling and election sure.